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I've got this idea. The only problem is I'm not sure what it is. I know, that doesn't make much sense but nonetheless I have this idea. It's hovering in the deep, dark recesses of my mind, where old faded and jumbled memories live amongst the detritus and clutter we store over the years.

It's rather irritating actually not knowing what this idea is. It's definitely there though. I can feel it surfacing occasionally with tantalising clues before submerging itself beneath the noise of day-to-day thoughts. But the clues are not enough to build on; they are only pinpricks of light in the darkness failing to illuminate the room.

I guess that this idea is rather formless at the moment. An overall idea with no details or at least those details haven't fully come together to create a fully cogent idea. The links need to be made. It doesn't help not knowing what it is though.

What I think it is is this: obviously music but it'll probably encompass stories, music, videos and other stuff. Hardly original I know. It's been done by others. I think that's what it is. Maybe. Or it maybe something else.

That's the problem with ideas. They're hardly ever original. We soak up hundreds of influences subconsciously every day and most of them we aren't even aware of. So when we have what we think is a brilliant idea you can bet someone, somewhere has already done it or at least something very close to it. That's not to say there aren't original ideas out there though.

Here's the thing though. I've had this nebulous idea for the last six months or so and it's as if all the music I've been doing at the moment, whether dark ambient, musique concréte, krautrock, whatever, is building up to this idea. That's the feeling I get - everything up to now (and possibly in the foreseeable future) is merely practice for this idea.

It's a bit like the book I've been sketching out. That keeps changing. It started as a straight-forward science fiction thing. Then it changed to science fiction/horror. Then straight horror. But now it's morphed into something altogether stranger which uses all those elements and others. Maybe it'll incorporate music? I don't know.

At the moment I continue to thrash around in the shadows slowly feeling my way to this idea and releasing this album or the other. It's an interesting journey, if slightly annoying at times.

So I'm stuck with this idea, bubbling away in those dark alcoves of the mind without much idea of what it is. I suppose the time isn't right yet and it'll finally surface when all the elements are together. It may be my magnum opus or it might be rubbish. Who can say?

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