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So it's been a quiet month with regards to creating music. I decided to take a sabbatical from composing for various reasons about three weeks ago. I must say it's nice to do other things. Probably ought to do it more often.

However, it's not been quiet on the releasing side of things. Oh no. I released an album on the 4th of July called Beautiful World - full of optimism and hope! It was an album I was pretty pleased with. A bit of a departure from my usual stuff. A little more mainstream perhaps. Or perhaps not. I don't know. You decide.

Another release was a track called The Harsh Reality on the CerebralRift release Into the Rift. The brief was to do something you usually don't, or have rarely explored. So I did a harsh, distorted piece. Usually I baulk at producing this type of music, not because I don't like it, but because it doesn't sit comfortably with me as a creator.

There were also a couple of tracks done at the beginning of the month for Disquiet Junto and Naviarheiku. These can be found here and here.

Also, released a few days ago is the WEATNU Summer Compilation #1, which had a track from moi called Lost in the Flow. This will actually be on a future release called Return to Goen Brenn which uses field recordings taken on our holiday in Cornwall a month ago. Not sure when I'll release it as it's not completed yet.

Another field recording remix for Cities & Memory has been completed and sent off. This is for the London Underground project which will come out later this year. So this piece uses only the sounds of the journey from Blackfriars to Cannon Street. It was an interesting task,

Also due out later this year is a [Ghost Box] compilation called Wight Noise, which has a track of mine on it. More info on that to come. There's also a collaboration with Comfort Within Noise which has been going on most of this year. Again, more information on that as and when. There's probably some other stuff as well but I can't remember at the moment.

My next release will be In Darkness Conceived. Needless to say this is a dark ambient piece and will be released tomorrow evening to much universal acclaim no doubt. Keep yer eyes peeled.

I currently have seven albums ready to release. This is one of the reasons I feel I can take a sabbatical! The albums are:

Transmissions from Altair which is a retro-sounding sort of album and was completed nearly a year ago but for some reason I've sat on.

Shadows which is a dark ambient piece but the title may change. There's no artwork for this yet.

Remixed - which says it all really.

The Dark Moor - the second album based on field recordings taken in Cornwall on our last holiday. Dark in nature.

Metallic Earth - completed months ago but I've ummed and ahhed about whether it needs another piece or not. Probably not. This is made with just metallic sounds. Hence the name.

Unnamed album - this is a Berlin School sequencer type album. Like a follow-up to the Sequences album I brought out last November. There's no artwork yet or a title for most of the tracks or album.

The Corpse Road - this was originally released on Petroglyph Records just over a year ago but I thought I may release it on my BandCamp page at some point. Maybe.

There's also two incomplete albums which still need work. Return to Goen Brenn which I mentioned above and an album of organ music which has three tracks done. I'll return to that as and when I feel like it.

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