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It's been a rather quiet April musically so far. Mostly because the computer started playing up and eventually the hard drive died. It took two and a half weeks to get it back, we picked it up on Thursday evening last. I had backed up all the music and VSTs on one of those My Passport gadgets, as well as everything else. It worked well, except for the music which backed all the tunes as .bak files which I'd never come across before. After talking to people what know things about computers I was informed that these .bak files were not retrievable and to consider them lost. Which was a major pain in the arse I can tell you. The long and short of it is all my old songs are gone - at least the stems are. I could always download them from the various sites they've been published to but it's probably not worth it. But the main thing is I can produce music again.

So what have I been up to. Well, the collaboration piece continues apace with the third song being tinkered with. Three tracks have been completed for The Philosophers album which completes it I think. It's 46 minutes long which is probably long enough. All I need to do is the artwork. Another track has been completed for the Metallic Earth album, which brings that up to 37 minutes of music so I might add another couple of tunes to that at some point.

I currently have four albums ready to go: Remixed, The Philosophers, The Chaos Principle and Myrkheim. The question remains: which one to publish next, this week or even this evening. The Philosophers is more of a summery album I feel. At least some of the pieces are light and fluffy so I may hold off publishing that for a couple of months or so. Remixed is exactly what it says and can be put out any old time. The Chaos Principle I rather like - it's more abstract than the others but I'm tempted to publish Myrkheim next.

Myrkheim is a rather darker piece which was inspired by one of the darker of the nine worlds of old Norse cosmology. It is where the Dwarves (also called Dark Elves) live and is also known by the names Svartalheim and Niðavellir.

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